Spiders, Dragonflies, and Otters

I went out back to fill up the birdfeeder this morning, and the lawn was covered with these little webs; it looked like an aerial bombardment of spiders had taken place and all that remained were their little parachutes. As I tried to take the picture, A DF-75 (dragonfly in 75 degree heat) hummed right over my head and made me duck. The whole ordeal was quite treacherous.

If you click on this photo, you can see how pretty the beaded dew looks.

After coming in and properly slapping off my ankles, I searched for spiders on the Internet. I felt like they were crawling all over me with their long legs and their bad intentions. (Though a certain website told me that I'd have to work awfully hard to get bit by this spider--a grass spider.)

In other news, the other day, an otter--yes! a real otter--slipped across the road with a big catfish in its mouth. He appeared to amble, but he made good time, cutting behind my house and disappearing into the woods. I couldn't believe I'd seen him. Up to then, I thought my husband was teasing me, trying to make me jealous with his otter-sightings. Next time, I'll try to have the camera ready.


Mary Witzl said...

Oh, lucky you, Danette: I love otters and wish I could see one so close up! And here I've been all smug and happy to have badgers that trundle through our garden from time to time.

That spider's web is out of this world. I'm in awe of spiders, having the ability to weave such incredible works of art.

Charles Gramlich said...

I saw otters recenetly a few miles from my house but none at the Hermitage yet. I wish I would see them.

Rachel Hamby said...

I visited you new website. Very nice comments on your book!

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome picture. But if I saw little webs all over my lawn (I almost wrote 'lawns all over my webs!') I would probably run back into the house screaming. sdlfkjdsklfds spiders! Very cool about the otter. Hopefully he'll come around for another photo op!!

Danette Haworth said...

Mary, you are right to call webs "works of art." These webs look like dusty chandeliers to me.

Charles--Ha! The Hermitage. I should come up with something snappy for my house too.

Thanks, Rachel!

Courtney, I felt very creepy and crawly when I came in. Every web had a little red spider sitting in it. It was the day of prey--a black cat sat at the foot of the birdfeeder for most of the day.

Stella said...

You take some beautiful photos, Danette. Too bad you didn't get a picture of the otter. I saw an otter when I was swimming in a stream in Michigan (near Lake Huron). I heard something splashing around and it got closer and closer. Finally I realized it was a curious otter.

Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

Wow! An otter. That's so cool. I wanted one as a pet when I was a child. I thought I could keep him in my bathtub and feed him mussels from shoprite. It would be easy. I also wanted an elephant and a pig - of course after seeing Charlotte's web...

Susan Sandmore said...

Wow--very, very pretty! I clicked and I saw!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Lovely photo! And to see an otter near your house is amazing!